Shimura Curves

Friday, July 29, 2005

Cafe Paradiso

Tempted to start with: Look Ma! Ah'm Bloggin'. (I feel that Kate may be surprised to see a post from me.)

Today is the first day I feel I have been able to just stop. I have finally moved. I have finished the job application. I have finished my short term work contract. I celebrated space and my new living arrangements with a bacon sandwich in the cafe over the road. It's perfect. It has spindly chairs and a sweet Cypriot owner and milkshakes and halloumi on the menu. I feel the Paradise Cafe (real name!) and I have begun a beautiful friendship.

Afternoon practise tomorrow - no Pink Wine. However will we do it sober?


At 10:10 AM GMT, Blogger Masonic Boom said...

Anna! Hurrah! So glad you could join us.

I've had a bottle of pink wine sitting in my fridge for about a month now, after one or another cancelled rehearsal. I shall bring it tomorrow. Especially as I'm going off to Emma's party immediately after!

At 8:05 AM GMT, Blogger AMP said...

I find a bacon sandwich is the perfect way to celebrate almost any occasion, don't you, Frances?

At 7:35 AM GMT, Blogger Masonic Boom said...

Doesn't work for vegetablarians. Sigh.

Then again, I suspect Grog fulfills that function for me.

Mmmm, grog.


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